Pro Tools renders each fade and crossfade as a separate, small audio file, and stores these away in a special folder within the Session folder - called, not surprisingly, Fade Files.
The duration, shape and position of fades and crossfades are all fully adjustable within Pro Tools. Fades are similar to crossfades, but apply where there is no overlap between Regions, for fading up the volume of a Region from nothing (fade-in) or fading down to nothing (fade-out). They can be used to smooth the sudden transition between two adjacent Regions, and help to prevent pops and clicks at Region boundaries. Crossfades are transitional Regions that span the end of one Region and the beginning of another. In this month's workshop we're going to look in detail at how to use crossfades and fades, and how they can be applied in batches as well as singly. As well as being vital editing tools, they can also be used in surprisingly creative ways. If you edit audio in Pro Tools, you need to know about fades and crossfades.